The Only Gym Program for Women – Get Fit in Bali
The internet is a useful resource when looking to get into shape. Nowadays, we can find personalized gym workout programs based on our physical attributes. So if you’re a woman looking to get fit in Bali, we have the perfect program for you.
Stick around to find more.
Things to Know Before Working Out
Getting in shape isn’t a short-term process. In fact, it takes a lot of hard work and time to reach your workout goals. One thing everyone needs to know before working out is that it’s a process. For example, shredding fat isn’t something you do in a month while toning your legs takes months of hard work.
But the most important thing to know before you start working out is that everyone needs a foundation. If you’re looking for long-term results and sustainability, following a workout plan supplemented with a proper diet is the only way to achieve success.
Fortunately, not every workout plan has to be the same. We can modify our workout routine based on our needs and availability. But generally speaking, there are three ways to get started. Those are:
- Create A Plan
The standard method and the one every veteran gymgoer recommends is to create a plan. We will help you with this method by outlining a workout routine every woman can follow.
- Work Out at Your Pace
Not everyone has the time or energy to work out daily. For those of you who are limited in either time or energy, exercising three to four times a week is an excellent starting point.
- Just Start
We are notorious for putting off the stuff in life that makes us sweat. Generally speaking, men are just as likely to put off working out as women. But if you’re the type of gal that lacks the motivation to exercise, your best option is to just start.
Picking A Beginner’s Workout Routine for Women
Now that we’ve outlined your options, it’s time to create a workout routine that appeals most to you. We understand that you might feel limited in your capabilities to stick to the routine, but giving it your best will motivate you to keep going every day.
To help you create the perfect plan, we’re going for a six-day training routine with one day of rest at the end. We are also modifying the plan, allowing you to exercise different body parts without feeling the inevitable pain and soreness.
Let’s see what every beginner workout plan for women should look like:
Monday – Cardio
Every Bali gym has a cardio area filled with treadmills, ellipticals, etc. And that’s where you will spend every Monday for the next month.
Cardio offers immense mental and physical benefits, and there’s no better way to achieve these benefits than by hopping on a cardio machine. Here is what you should do on Mondays:
- 20-minute treadmill workout
- 10-minute stepmill workout
- 20-minute rowing machine workout
Tuesday – Chest and Arms
Just because we’re girls doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be training our chest and arms. In fact, you need strong chest and arms for a myriad of reasons. Because of that, Tuesday will be your chest and arms day.
There are several exercises to help you tone your arms and chest. You can perform flat-bench barbell presses, push-ups, cable crossovers, barbell biceps curls, triceps dips, triceps rope-overhead extensions, and more. Here is what we recommend:
- Push-up 3 sets 10 reps
- Incline push-up 3 sets 10 reps
- Biceps curl 3 sets 15 reps
- Triceps press-down 3 sets 15 reps
- Triceps dips 3 sets 15 reps
Wednesday – Shoulders and Back
A strong back is the foundation of your body. It is the body part we rely on most and should tone to perfection. Shoulders are also important. These two body parts can be perfectly combined into your routine, and there are tons of exercises to help you work on them.
Shoulder and back exercises include barbell military presses, dumbbell lateral raises, barbell upright rows, seated dumbbell shoulder presses, t-bar rows, dumbbell bent-over rows, and more. Here is what we recommend:
- Barbell military press 3 sets 15 reps
- dumbbell shoulder press 3 sets 15 reps
- dumbbell bent-over rows 3 sets 15 reps
- Dumbbell upright row 3 sets 15 reps
Thursday – Strength Day
Strength training will help sustain your body and help maintain functionality for the duration of your weekly routine. In addition, strength training helps build muscle and prevent bone loss. Thus, strength day it’s an important aspect of your weekly workout routine and should not be neglected.
Regarding strength day and strength training, the list of exercises we recommend includes front squats & overhead shoulder presses, reverse lunges, sumo squats, planks, rows, glute bridges, and more. Here is what we recommend:
- Front squats + overhead shoulder press 3 sets 15 reps
- Sumo squats + upright row 3 sets 15 reps
- Plank 3 sets 30 seconds each
- Glute bridge + triceps extension 3 sets 15 reps
Friday – Legs
Leg day training is similar to strength day as you use your legs often. Every woman should pay attention to leg day training as it is essential for toning your lower body part and your buttox. Luckily, a whole host of leg exercises help you achieve that. The list of leg exercises include barbell squats, leg-press machines, leg extensions, hamstring curls, walking lunges, calf raises, and more. Here is what we recommend:
- Barbell squats 3 sets 15 reps
- Walking lunges 3 sets 15 reps
- Leg extensions 3 sets 15 reps
- Calf raises 3 sets 15 reps
Saturday – Cardio
We finish off the week with another cardio session. You should start and end the week with cardio while allowing other body parts to rest. As beginners, Saturday will be tricky as you would have done leg day before that. However, don’t feel scared and hop on the cycling machine. Here is what we recommend to end the week with:
- 20-minute treadmill exercise
- 10-minute stepmill workout
- 20-minute rowing machine workout
Supplementing Your Workouts
Before we finish off, you must supplement your workouts with a proper diet. Diet and nutrition are essential for achieving your workout goals.
Every expert will tell you to supplement your workouts by drinking plenty of water, eating protein-rich foods, drinking whey protein after workouts, and eating plenty of vegetables.
How to Pick the Right Gym or Fitness Center in Bali?
It goes without saying that Bali has its fair share of gyms and fitness centers. But you need to pick the right one for your needs. While doing your due diligence works, what every woman should look out for are several things. Those are:
- Quality of equipment and exercise machines
- Space
- Amenities
We suggest reading Google Reviews for gyms in Canggu to help you pick the right one for you.